Recent cases, where weather played a critical, if not deciding role in litigation and/or settlement include:
Man-made icing of sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and streets from snow removal, sprinklers, water main breaks, water pipe leaks, and industrial processes.
Property damage caused by flooding from heavy, but not record-breaking rainfall.
Property damage caused by the wind associated with a thunderstorm during a cold front passage.
Personal injury at recreational facilities due to wet grounds from dew or prior precipitation.
Times of sunrise/sunset and the beginning/end of civil twilight in criminal cases and pedestrian and vehicular incidents.
Roof and building collapses due to snow load or the combination of snow and rain.
Construction delays due to extreme weather, such as wind, snowfall, precipitation, flooding, and temperatures.
Weather-related accidents caused by wind or snow and ice at new construction sites and building renovations.
Vehicular and pedestrian accidents prior to, during, or after a storm in progress.
Vehicular accidents near the time of sunrise or sunset.
Chain-reaction vehicle accidents.
Indoor and outdoor pedestrian accidents.
References are available upon request.